Naming of this journal and email service

The current blog’s name is more of a description than a proper name.

I propose a few names considering my direction for this blog and email service.

My mission statement:

“A compendium of letters blending technology startup management, stoic philosophy, active lifestyle ethos, and a love for culture. It aims to mentor and inspire through insightful content and practical advice, focusing on personal and professional growth for a balanced and fulfilling life.”

~ Uki D. Lucas

Please consider that Zeno, the founder of Stoic philosophy, was a Greek. Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, wrote in Greek as it was customary for educated classes.

Remember that “Stoic” philosophy comes from “stoa,” a painted porch where philosophers met.

Per Uki’s request: DALL·E 2024-04-28 03.05.26 - A tranquil and reflective scene set in ancient Greece, depicting a painted porch (stoa) with classical Greek columns and architecture.

Proposed names and their approximate meanings

I need your opinion on this blog and email's name.

The current blog’s name is more of a description than a proper name. I propose a few names considering my direction for this blog and email service.

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Please let me know which you like the most. I will send an email poll. You can select it here, or you can reply to any of my previous emails.

View my choice of books on Amazon

Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living” by David R. FidelerI purchased this edition on November 27, 2023As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

On the Good Life” by Marcus Tullius CiceroI purchased this edition on June 12, 2023As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

More Than Happiness: Buddhist and Stoic Wisdom for a Sceptical Age” by Antonia MacaroI purchased this edition on July 12, 2023As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Meditations: A New Translation” by Marcus Aurelius (author), Gregory Hays (translator)I purchased this edition on April 28, 2024 (today!)As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.