- Uki D. Lucas' Stoia Sophia
- Posts
- #11. Why it is important to realize you are not special?
#11. Why it is important to realize you are not special?

Dear Friend
I was not planning to write tonight, but I received this beautiful feedback on the previous post and wanted to address it.
Why am I not responding via “reply” email but making it a letter?
When I was in the Marines, we learned that if one person in the platoon had a question, surely someone else had the same.
There is a deeper truth behind that, too.
We all think we are unique and special, but the truth is quite the opposite: we are very much alike. We have the same problems, the same pains, and the exact needs. As a cultural anthropologist, I realize we have followed the same patterns since we formed some 200,000 years ago. This is why a 20,000-year-old cave painting, a 3,200-year-old book (by Homer), and a 100-year-old black-and-white movie equally speak to our souls.

I know you still feel special, and I do, too.
We like different foods, we entertain differently, and we might have different skin colors. Mine is bright red after the sunburn last weekend. 🙂
We are the same deep down, so I am writing this. Someone out there will need these words someday—not today, not tomorrow, but someday.
Back to the feedback answers.
Is there a possibility to comment on the blog posts?
There is no way to comment on posts, which is probably for the better. I want the reader to have an individual experience, not a REDDIT throllfest.
I created a Twitter (X.com) community.
I hope you are the first brave soul to join it.
You got used to expecting my morning emails.
That is by far the biggest compliment I could receive. I am thankful!
I can't write every day. With extremely demanding work and kids, there is often no time or energy. I always have something to write about. 🙂
The second reason I do not send letters daily is that I fear losing my audience. My audience is not significantly growing, but I lose about 1.5% (unsubscribers) every time I hit “send.”
I feel that I should be sending only masterpieces, but every piece of advice I get from successful writers is to keep on writing. They say that by letter #100, it will be readable, maybe even likable. I hope there will be more readers at #100 than just me and you.
I do not email every post, so there is a bunch of them on the blog you probably have not read yet.
You mentioned that some posts are to your liking, others not.
Yes, that is a problem with a broad “lifestyle” topic and not a niche coverage.
I am including a questionnaire to see people's interests.
I might send posts to subsets of people based on their interests.
Please take a moment to update this survey.
Uki D. Lucas
I am listening to Chloé Stafler “Mad World” on YouTube.com
How can you help me with this blog?
I haven't yet figured out how to get more subscribers, so I'm counting on organic growth. Please forward this to your friends.
One friend for every reader would double my readership.
Ten friends would “10x” and send the subscriptions into a stratosphere!
My mission statement:
“A compendium of letters blending technology startup management, stoic philosophy, active lifestyle ethos, and a love for culture. It aims to mentor and inspire through insightful content and practical advice, focusing on personal and professional growth for a balanced and fulfilling life.”
In every letter, I post my mission statement. Why do I do it?
This is partly for myself to keep on track but also for you so you know there is an underlying theme to my ramblings.